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myFM: Intermittent Fasting

by Lianne Phillipson April 17, 2024

myFM: Intermittent Fasting

Fasting, a practice as ancient as time itself, offers a variety of methods and benefits that have been embraced for both health and lifestyle improvements. Here's a deeper look into the practice of fasting, highlighting its flexibility, benefits, and our natural predisposition towards it.

Understanding Different Fasting Approaches

Fasting can vary significantly in duration—from a minimum of 12 hours, typically done overnight, to longer periods. Starting with a 12-hour fast is a basic approach, often naturally achieved by skipping late-night snacks and delaying breakfast. Gradually increasing this window to 13, 14, or even 15 hours can be managed easily on a day-by-day basis. The popular 16:8 method, involving 16 hours of fasting followed by an 8-hour eating window, is not the only option available but is widely practiced due to its balance of efficacy and ease of integration into daily life. Fasting is not just about weight management; it also includes time-restricted eating, allowing the body to focus on repair and rejuvenation during the fasting periods.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Fasting

One of the most significant advantages of fasting is its capacity to give our bodies the much-needed break to engage in internal housekeeping. This process involves the elimination of inefficient cells—akin to clearing out old trash or unwanted clothes—and allowing healthy cell renewal and reset. Such cellular autophagy is crucial for maintaining youthful vitality and promoting longevity.

Fasting for Health Enhancement

Beyond mere weight loss, fasting has implications for serious health issues including type 2 diabetes, obesity, and even certain cancers. It aids in improving cognitive function and can address complex conditions like hypothyroidism and other hormonal imbalances. The benefits of fasting are supported by numerous studies, highlighting its role in influencing various diseases and potentially complementing other diets that have failed to yield desired results.

Our Genetic Blueprint Supports Fasting

Interestingly, our genetic makeup is well-adapted to fasting. Historical evidence suggests that humans have endured periods of food scarcity, and our bodies have evolved genes that are primed to handle these intervals. This genetic predisposition means that many of us can adapt to fasting relatively easily, tapping into our ancestral survival strategies.

Implementing Fasting in Everyday Life

One of the appealing aspects of fasting is its simplicity. It doesn't require intricate meal planning or continuous food preparation; instead, it frees up time that would otherwise be spent on such activities. This ease of implementation makes fasting a practical and achievable lifestyle choice that fits into various daily routines without significant effort.

In conclusion, fasting is not just a dietary method but a transformative lifestyle choice that can lead to profound health and wellness benefits. Whether you're looking to improve your metabolic health, lose weight, or simply give your body a well-deserved rest, incorporating fasting into your routine could be a rewarding journey.


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